Che cosa puoi spedire all'estero
Guida al contenuto delle spedizioni verso l'estero.For all types of parcel
It is not permitted to transport items prohibited by law or classified as hazardous by national or international legislation or which by their nature or packaging, might cause harm to people or the environment or damage to other parcels, articles subject to IATA restrictions, or items whose transport is prohibited by any law, regulation or pro tempore statute issued by a federal, state or local government of any country from, or through, which the delivery may be made, as well as all materials which must comply with specific transport standards (such as special and hazardous waste).
Poste Italiane does not accept responsibility for the delay, loss, alteration or damage to parcels containing prohibited items.
Prohibited items
Prohibited items
It is forbidden to send:
- gold, wrought or unworked precious metals, precious stones, synthetic carbons or diamonds
- watches with a value higher than the maximum insurable Poste Italiane value
- whole furs (entire garments)
- carpets with a value higher than the maximum insurable Poste Italiane value
- items with artistic, antique, or collectable value
- works of art or parts of these, antiquities in general
- weapons of any type or parts of weapons, explosive devices, including hazardous materials or fuels
- pornographic material
- animals living or dead, plants
- perishable food products, or controlled temperature articles; perishable materials
- articles subject to IATA restrictions (inflammable liquids and materials)
- any hazardous substance; passports and/or identity documents
- valuables, money, securities or parts of them, etc. may only be sent as a Declared Value Parcel
For further information, please see the pages on International Customs information for Ordinary International Parcel and the General Terms and Conditions of Service of Ordinary International Parcel.
It is forbidden to send:
- gold, wrought or unworked precious metals, precious stones, synthetic carbons or diamonds
- watches with a value higher than the maximum insurable Poste Italiane value
- whole furs (entire garments)
- carpets with a value higher than the maximum insurable Poste Italiane value
- items with artistic, antique, or collectable value
- works of art or parts of these, antiquities in general
- weapons of any type or parts of weapons, explosive devices, including hazardous materials or fuels
- pornographic material
- animals living or dead, plants
- perishable food products, or controlled temperature articles
- perishable materials
- articles subject to IATA restrictions (inflammable liquids and materials)
- any hazardous substance
- passports and/or identity documents
- valuables, money, securities or parts of them, etc. may only be sent as a Declared Value Parcel
For further information, please see the pages on International Customs Information for Express Mail Service, Guide to EMS Postage and the General Terms and Conditions of Service of EMS.
- gold, wrought or unworked precious metals, precious stones, synthetic carbons or diamonds
- watches with a value higher than the maximum insurable Poste Italiane value
- whole furs (entire garments)
- carpets with a value higher than the maximum insurable Poste Italiane value
- items with artistic, antique, or collectable value
- works of art or parts of these, antiquities in general
- weapons of any type or parts of weapons, explosive devices, including hazardous materials or fuels
- pornographic material
- animals living or dead, plants
- perishable food products, or controlled temperature articles
- perishable materials
- articles subject to IATA restrictions (inflammable liquids and materials)
- any hazardous substance
- passports and/or identity documents
- valuables, money, securities or parts of them, etc. may only be sent as a Declared Value Parcel
For further information, please see the pages on International Customs Information for Quick Pack Europe, Guide to EMS Postage and the General Terms and Conditions of Service of EMS.
It is forbidden to send:
- gold, wrought or unworked precious metals, precious stones, synthetic carbons or diamonds
- watches with a value higher than the maximum insurable Poste Italiane value
- whole furs (entire garments)
- carpets (over 50 years' old or hand made) with a value higher than the maximum insurable Poste Italiane value
- items with artistic, antique, or collectable value
- works of art or parts of these, antiquities in general and cultural artefacts protected by EU regulation or national legislation
- spirits
- weapons and essential components of them
- explosive devices, including hazardous materials or fuels
- ivory or parts in ivory
- plants, drugs, tobacco and derivatives
- animals living or dead, perishable food products, or controlled temperature articles
- pornographic material, perfumes and perfume samples containing alcohol
- personal effects (permitted for the USA-EU)
- unaccompanied baggage
- animal products (furs and hides) subject to the Washington Convention (Cites), generators
- mineral oils¹, (for machinery or required for their functioning)
- non dry cell batteries²
- passports and/or identity documents
- valuables, money, securities or parts of them, etc. may only be sent as a Declared Value Parcel
For further information see the pages on International Customs Information for International Express Post and the Guide to Parcel Postage.
¹Only non-mineral oils may be exported and the shipping documentation must be accompanied by a Customs Declaration.
²Only dry cell batteries may be exported and the shipping documentation must be accompanied by a Customs Declaration.
It is forbidden to send:
- gold, wrought or unworked precious metals, precious stones, synthetic carbons or diamonds
- watches with a value higher than 500 euros
- whole furs (entire garments)
- carpets (over 50 years' old or hand made) with a value higher than the maximum insurable Poste Italiane value
- items with artistic, antique, or collectable value
- works of art or parts of these, antiquities in general and cultural artefacts protected by EU regulation or national legislation
- spirits
- weapons and essential components of them
- explosive devices, including hazardous materials or fuels
- ivory or parts in ivory
- plants, drugs, tobacco and derivatives
- animals living or dead, perishable food products, or controlled temperature articles
- pornographic material, perfumes and perfume samples containing alcohol
- personal effects (permitted for the USA-EU)
- animal products (furs and hides) subject to the Washington Convention (Cites), generators
- mineral oils¹, (for machinery or required for their functioning)
- non dry cell batteries and lithium batteries²
- passports and/or identity documents
- valuables, money, securities or parts of them, etc. may only be sent as a Declared Value Parcel
For further information see the pages on International Customs Information for Pre-stamped International Packages and the Guide to Pre-stamped International Packages.
¹Only non-mineral oils may be exported and the shipping documentation must be accompanied by a Customs Declaration.
²Only dry cell batteries may be exported and the shipping documentation must be accompanied by a Customs Declaration.